Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week 7: Muddy. Open Source Software

Open source software seems to me that it's just software you can get online for free.  If this is the case, then I completely understand it.  If not, then it needs to be made a little clearer.

Is it alternatives to programs that you have to buy?  For instance, Microsoft Office's open source competitor is Open Office.  Is this what Open source is?  Just an alternative to something you have to buy?  Or is it something like Firefox, where it's the standard?  This could probably be made more clear in the videos.

Also, I have to bring up the copyright stuff.  I'm still not fully grasping that fact.  Every time I place an image in one of my blog posts, I'm getting blasted for it being copyrighted.  Even when I get it off of the Public Domain.  So, I'm boycotting using images in this post and instead I will draw you a puppy in Paint.

Copyright of Chris Guderian.

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